Thursday, 17 May 2012

We plan, God LOL's.

Every day, plans are made, some followed, others get thrown out the window. But, humans, need to have a plan. Let me ask you a question. Does God have a plan for EVERY LITTLE THING THAT GOES ON? The answer is yes. Anything and everything that happens to you, God knows and has known. Even if it a bad thing. He is using it to strengthen you. Now back to the plans.

 My plan on a normal day.

Wake up check Facebook and texts, roll outa bed, 10 pushups, shower, then on with the day. 

But God sometimes says "No, today, you are going to do what I have planned already." His plan is always better then ours, we know that. So why do we get so angry when the things we wanted to happen, don't? Because we dont move to fast and don't use one of God's greatest gifts to us. Our brain. If we just slow down and think about what is going on, maybe, just maybe, we will see the work God is doing. 


Someone takes the last TP... Instead of getting to watch tv, check FB, send a eMail, ect... You need to leave and go to  the store and get more TP. But while being frustrated that your morning was ruined, you don't see the car broken down on the side of the road with a mom and three little kids inside, you drive right past the homeless man in the middle of the road asking for money to help him eat, you miss the elderly gentleman that could use a ride because he is to old to drive. If WE. US. Not the other person. YOU and ME. Just looked at what is changing from our "plan." If we thought "What does God want me to see on the way to the store." Our lives, would change, dramatically. 

Here is your challenge. When something that changes OUR plan happens. Stop, think, and look for what God is doing. 

Love and miss you all! Praying you stay strong in the word, and love your enemy as you love yourself:)


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