On the the streets, Gods timing astounds me. In Kisumu, especially outside of the town, it is so easy to walk right past people. Hundreds of people are out in the city 24/7. It amazes me that we find boys at all.
God knows exactly where you are anytime of the day. Think about that. God puts you in places for a reason.
Example, March 20th, Abel (our Kenyan outreach staff), Nick, and I were planning to go to a part of Kisumu called Kondele. It's on the completely opposite side of Kisumu from where we go normally. I was excited to go to Kondele because it's a fun place to be. It's a market so on any given day, tons of people are there. But, as we headed out, we got stopped and asked to go check out a HS in Kisumu. We got into a truck and went to the High school. The opposite way from Kandelle. I wasn't mad, but, selfishly, I wished we didn't have to go to the high school. After leaving the school. We went to our regular places, not finding anything. Now i got frustrated. In my mind i was thinking "Really??? We went to a school, didn't do anything, now because of that. We can't find any boys." We started heading back towards Agape, because the street boys try and get off the streets about 9:30 am i can't tell you a exact reason, they are just gone about that time. It was 9:25. In my head "Wow, a great day wasted."
Sometimes. I laugh at how stupid I am. Yes, I am a blonde. Yes, I do make stupid choices. And yes, most of the time. God lets me know it.
Today i was frustrated, I was walking fast, I was breathing hard. Then, out of nowhere. God knocks me in the head. And says "Stephen, calm down, take a breath, slow down, I have you here, at this exact spot, for a reason."
At that moment. I saw a boy. Then I saw two more boys. Pretty soon, I was sitting in a drainage ditch with not 3 boys around me, but 7.
God had decided, "No, They aren't going to Kondele today, I want them here." And so, I spent an hour and a half or so talking with boys. Just as old as me. Living on the street. With no homes, no new clothes, no food in the fridge, no shoes, no bed, water, or parents. every day i see this. Every day i ask God to help these boys. Every day I do my best to help them, even though I cant really talk to them. And. every day. I sin, I am selfish. I say I want this, I wish I could do this. When the only thing I see is kids, that are like me, with. NOTHING.
God had taken what i wanted, tested me in saying "Will you trust me with where you are." I failed this test.
Now, think back to the last time you ended up some place you didn't want to be. Your car broke down, so you are on the side of the road. A friend needed help, your with them instead of at that party you wanted to go to. You ran out of milk for your cereal, so you are at the store when you could be watching looneytoons Saturday morning.
Where ever you may end up. GOD PUT US THERE. At the exact time. Keeping that in mind. I challenge you and myself.
Next time you are somewhere different then where you want to be. Pray, ask God why. Then be open to what he tells you.
If i had gone to Kondele, if I had gone where I wanted. 7 boys wouldnt have heard about Jesus that day. 7 boys wouldn't feel excited because they got to hang out with a "Mzungu" But instead. 7 boys heard about Jesus. 7 boys hung out with a Mzungu.